Monday, February 22, 2010

Girls, girls, and more girls!!

Baby K seems to be turning more "girly" every day - mostly thanks to her older sister Blondie! Lately Blondie and Kitty like to get dress up in leotards and ballet shoes and dance all around the house. Baby K has felt a little left out and sometimes likes to have one of the tutus or other skirts put on her so she can dance around with them too. The other day I pulled out a leotard that Kitty used to wear when she was younger and I put it on Baby K. I then put one of the tutus on over it and Baby K was in HEAVEN!! Then M&M - who is not very girly at all - decided to get in on the fun too and she put on a leotard/skirt that she will be wearing for a part in an upcoming school play. At one point the three older girls were laying on the floor together watching some of the Olympics and Baby K just plopped herself down right next to them and I quickly snapped a picture before Baby K noticed that I had the camera out (which she thinks is the coolest thing and that she should be allowed to play with it and push buttons on).


Missy White said...

You have such cute girls! What a fun picture.

Mom NIelson