Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Happy 9th Birthday Luke!!

Luke turned 9 yesterday. His birthday always seems to creep up on me since it is not too long after Christmas. For that reason, usually while I am Christmas shopping I also buy birthday gifts for him. By the time his birthday came around this year I just needed to buy a few clothes for him, but the bulk of the gifts I already had. Luke was super excited for his birthday and loved all of his gifts. He has been saving up some money to buy a transformer toy but ended up getting it as a gift so now he can use the money for something else. This year we just did a family party. His only request for a cake was chocolate with chocolate frosting which turned out well for me because Baby K ended up coming down with a bad cold a couple of nights ago and has been very clingy - especially when she wakes up in the morning or from a nap because her throat hurts. I ended up doing just a very basic cake but everyone loved it.
Luke chose McDonald's for dinner so DH picked it up and we ate it at the house (since Baby K is sick) and then my parents came over for presents and cake and ice cream. Baby K finally started feeling better when Grandma and Grandpa arrived and she had a lot of fun carrying all of the opened wrapping paper over to Grandpa and handing it to him. It's really funny because she calls him "Baka" and gets really excited when she sees them.

Now that Luke is 9 he gets to come to my den meetings (Bears) and I don't have to drive him to separate meetings each week. He earned his Wolf about a month ago and is excited to be moving up!