Sunday, October 3, 2010

Kid talk

When I came home from the General Relief Society Broadcast, Kay ran upstairs and said, "Mom! You missed me!"

On Conference Sunday we were talking about going to Grandma's house after the morning session:
Kay: "Grandma's coming (here)?"
Me: "No, we're going to Grandma's house. Is that okay?"
Kay: "Course!" - (of course)

A little bit later that same day:
Kay: "Am I going to come too?" (meaning to Grandma's house)
Me: "Yes, you get to come."
Kay: "Oh, great!"

Then a little bit later I went out to the garden with some of the kids to pick some vegetables for a salad to take to Grandma's house. Kay brought in a few carrots for me and she took them downstairs to show them to her dad:
DH to Kay: "Are you going to eat that carrot?"
Kay: "No, it's for rabbits."