Wednesday, November 24, 2010

MJ update - 4 months old

MJ is 4 months old now and is really starting to interact with people. It is fun watching the kids talk to her and see MJ respond with big smiles. She is getting a little better with sleeping lately so I usually don't have to hold and/or feed her all day long. She still startles easily but is also getting better at that. She does not like her dad's laugh and will more often than not burst into tears when he laughs - which usually causes him to laugh even more... She is great at rolling from her back to her stomach and will usually only stay on her back for a few seconds once she is set down. Last week she managed to flip from her stomach to her back once, but I think it was just a fluke because she hasn't been able to repeat it since. She is getting better at being on her stomach and will try to grab a toy and eat it while she is laying there.

MJ drools a TON and usually has a soaking wet shirt. We keep feeling in her mouth to see if she is teething, but we can't feel anything trying to come through. MJ also will put anything in her mouth - toys, fingers, her sleeve - she just loves to be mouthing/drooling on everything! She is finally starting to chub up a little and she has definitely grown taller over the last couple of weeks. When DH set up the exersaucer on Halloween, she could just barely touch the bottom with her feet and now she can stand flatfooted in it. We'll have to move it up a notch here shortly. MJ loves to be held and quite often she will start crying when she is on the floor or in her exersaucer and will immediately stop as soon as she gets picked up. She especially loves to sit on someone's lap during dinnertime. We are still struggling with church because she doesn't like to just be sitting there on someone's lap. I usually have to get up during Sacrament Meeting and either stand in the back of the chapel with her or walk around the foyer bouncing her around.
Another thing she loves to do is pull hair! She loves getting a fistful and then trying to shove it into her mouth!