Wednesday, April 18, 2012

5 down, 1 to go

Let me just start by saying that I dislike potty training! It is so much work - not only for the child but especially for the parent! MJ was never an easy baby so I kept putting off potty training Kay thinking I would have more time and energy when MJ got a little older. Well, then I was diagnosed with cancer and my time and energy level went down the drain with all of the tests and treatments that I have gone through over the last 6 months. As Kay's 4th birthday got closer and closer I knew that I wanted her potty trained by her birthday if possible. I tried starting her training more than once over the last few months, but then gave up because of the amount of work required on my part. Well, the week of her birthday I really started pushing it and the Monday after her birthday I put her in underwear full time and she didn't have a single accident all week long from Monday through Saturday. We haven't been completely accident free since then, but she has been doing awesome and she is so proud of herself too. She is especially excited when she does a #2 in the potty and she has to call me upstairs to show me... The first week or so when she would want to show me she would ask, "Does that make you happy?" One time when she asked me that and I told her that I was happy and proud of her and she said, "Dad would say, 'Excellent.' " I went and told DH that and since then he has noticed himself saying, "Excellent" now and then and he had never realized it before.

Last Friday since Kay went the whole week without an accident I took her to the store to pick out a toy for a reward for doing so well. She picked out some My Little Pony toys.