Thursday, April 19, 2012

More trouble

Yesterday evening DH was reading in our bedroom and I was downstairs working on something on the computer. Kitty came in to tell her dad that MJ was in the bathtub. DH went and looked and then came downstairs to get me. As I was walking up the stairs I could smell something that smelled like the kids' bubble bath solution. Well, when I went in to see what MJ was doing she was just sitting in the bathtub playing with the toys in there and there was shampoo all over the bottom of the tub. She had taken the kids' shampoo that sits on a shelf on the side of the tub/shower area and had squirted it all over the tub. We decided to just let her have a bath so when we took her clothes off they were practically dripping in shampoo, especially her socks! Whenever she tried standing up she would slip and slide all over the place! I guess I need to start keeping the kids' shampoo higher up where she can't reach it.

We've started trying to keep the bathroom door upstairs closed because she likes to go in there lately and play with the water in the toilet or move the stool up to the counter so she can reach the hand soap or the toothbrushes or the light switch so she can turn it on and off!

MJ has also figured out how to climb onto the stools in the kitchen and I am constantly having to get her down and move things off of the counter out of her reach. She can also climb up the kids' bunk beds and thinks it's lots of fun to climb up there and bounce around. It's only a matter of time before she falls down and hurts herself...

Now if we could just get her to go to nursery!!


Cherylyn said...

I can sympathize. Audrey has done the exact same stuff within the last few months. The shampoo thing in the bathroom with her church dress on, and he loves climbing the bunk beds too.

Vonae said...

Oh the joy of having little kids!