Thursday, April 5, 2012

Ensign Peak

DH came home from work on Tuesday and said that he was thinking about taking work off on Thursday and was wondering if there was anything that I wanted us to do as a family. After thinking about it for a little and putting into consideration the ages and attention spans of our kids, plus my less than stellar energy level lately, I decided that hiking Ensign Peak might be kind of fun. The hike is about a mile round trip and while it is uphill the whole first half, I thought that I could do it as well as the kids. DH has been working some long hours lately with the recent release of the 1940 census so he wanted to take a little bit of a break from work.

So Thursday morning we got up, packed some food for lunch and headed up to the Ensign Peak trailhead. DH carried MJ on his back and the rest of us walked. I had a hard time making it up the hill, but everyone else did fine. If you want to believe DH then the only reason I was struggling was because I am out of shape. I think that it also had something to do with my blood counts still being low, but what do I know... On the way up I had to stop every 50 feet or so to catch my breath. I was also feeling a little dizzy and light-headed, but I did make it and coming down was no problem at all. The weather was perfect with light jackets and sweatshirts - at least until we got to the top of the ridge. It was super windy up at the top and it was a bitter cold wind!

After we got back down to our car we drove around a little looking for a place to eat a picnic lunch. We finally found a place with nice park and playground in the Avenues, right next to the Salt Lake City Cemetery. The kids had a blast on the playground because it had some of the old playground equipment that is too dangerous for kids to play on today...