Friday, April 27, 2012

Child Prayers

Usually at bedtime DH or I take Kay up to bed and get her a cup of milk and say a prayer with her.  One night we both got busy with something else and she went up to bed by herself.  When DH went up to check on her and say a prayer with her she told him that she had already said it on her own.  We weren't sure if we believed that or not, but decided not to press the issue.  The next night DH gave Kay her milk and she said that she wanted to go up to bed and say her prayer by herself.  DH let her but snuck up behind her and listened in at the doorway to see if she did it or not.  Well she said a very nice prayer on her own and then right after she was finished, MJ sat up in her crib and said something that was close to, "Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."  DH was quite amazed at this and went in and gave both of the girls a hug and a kiss and told them they had done a good job on their prayers.  It very cute and fulfilling when you see your kids actually learning from the things you are trying to teach them!


Cherylyn said...

Now that's just adorable!