Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Piano recital

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The kids had their end of the year piano recital.  (Kitty started out the school year taking lessons but we dropped them a couple of months ago because she was having a hard time at lessons and not cooperating with the teacher on several occasions.  We might start her up again in the fall if we feel she is ready.)

For Luke's birthday I gave him some piano music to Star Wars and he ended up playing one of those for the recital.  Blondie played a song from the Tangled piano book I bought a couple of months ago and M&M played one of the theme songs from the Peanuts.  It's fun to hear the kids get better at the piano and to see them enjoying it when they learn a song that they know.

Unfortunately I spent most of the evening in the hallway trying to keep MJ entertained and trying not to distract the other people watching the recital.  Thankfully I could hear just fine from there though.