Saturday, June 30, 2012

While DH was away

Thursday, May 17 - Sunday, May 20

While DH was gone for the Reach the Beach the kids and I watched the new muppets movie, The Muppets (loved it).  I also took the kids (minus M&M who was at a friend's house) to the Dollar Store to pick out a toy or treat for themselves.  We got Ring Pops for MJ and Kay and they both loved them.  Kay also picked out some bubbles and had fun playing with them at Luke's soccer game on Saturday.  There was a dog there that went crazy trying to catch the bubbles whenever she blew them and the kids all loved that!  It was Luke's last soccer game and his coach (& his wife) gave the kids some homemade brownies and a small cake that was decorated like a soccer ball.  Even though it was a rocky season, they ended with a win and the coach was a pretty nice guy overall.