Monday, January 12, 2015

First day of School - secondary kids

Tuesday, August 26

M&M's first day was actually on Monday but I forgot to take a picture of her, so here she is on day 2!  Luke started on Tuesday.  Luke is at a new middle school this year - and we are within walking distance so he will walk most days.  It is about a 10-15 minute walk, so not too bad.  We gave M&M the choice of finishing up at her old school even though we moved practically across the street from a different high school!  She has a lot of good friends at her old school and had already spent 2 years in the marching band and committed to marching again with them this year already.  It is a good school and she had gotten the perfect schedule with the classes and teachers that she really wanted.  I will be driving her everyday so hopefully things will go well with that!