Saturday, January 10, 2015

Saying goodbye

Monday, August 4, 2014

Today we cleaned, cleaned, cleaned and said a final goodbye to our house.  Some women from the ward helped with the cleaning while I was running kids around left and right and cleaning in-between.  I took a final picture of the kids in front of the house.  It has been a good house for us.  Three of our 6 kids were born here in the master bedroom - where that window in the upper left of the picture is!  I love the flowers in front that give such a pop of color to the house!  We will miss the home, the great neighbors/neighborhood, the great ward and the schools.  At the same time, we are excited to meet new people and for the new experiences that await us in our new home.

** Just as a side note:  We were a little bummed with all of the changes that the new owners made right after we moved out.  I went back over to the home because we were trying to find a key to a room that one of their kids had accidentally locked them out of and they had painted just about every room in the house and ripped out the wood floor in the living room and the tile in the kitchen.  I think they also put in new carpet in most of the house (which needed to be done).  They also took out most of the trees and put up a big white, vinyl fence (which most of the neighbors don't like).  It was a little depressing to think of all of the work that we put in to fixing up the house to sell and then to see all of it changed right away!