Monday, January 12, 2015

Sweet Sixteen!

Saturday, August 16

So, M&M's sweet sixteen birthday was the day before we moved so we decided to postpone it a little until we were a little settled into our new house.  I really wanted to throw a party for her so we decided on Saturday, August 16th.  She invited some friends from our old ward as well as some of her marching band friends.  We weren't really sure how many people would show up so we made a bunch of cookies and cupcakes and caramel popcorn.  I also picked up some pizzas and drinks to have on hand.  She announced it more of an open house style and starting around 6:00.  I had arranged for my parents to watch the other kids so that she didn't have them around as a distraction.  It ended up being mostly boys that showed up (although a few girls did trickle in here and there)!  I think that M&M just told most people that she was having a party at her house and didn't let them know that it was a birthday party - which was alright.  DH and I tried to make ourselves scarce and would pop in every once in a while to make sure that everything was going fine and that there were plenty of treats and drinks out.  I think M&M had fun.  We had quite a bit of food leftover - some of which we used to make up some goodie plates to deliver to some of the people that had helped us move.  Unfortunately I didn't take a single picture once again...