Saturday, November 18, 2006


Do you ever sit there and wonder what you are going to make for dinner? I know I do ALL OF THE TIME!! So, for those of you who are looking for new recipes or wondering what on earth you can make with the ingredients you have on hand, check out the website Recipezaar. I have found several great recipes there and the nice thing is that the website will calculate the ingredient amounts for you if you want to make more or less than the recipe states. It also has the nutrition info for each recipe and you can read reviews from people who have already tried it. The website also has a lot of search options so you can find the exact recipe you are looking for. You can also post your own recipes and rate the ones you have tried. I just heard about this website a couple of weeks ago and I have used it 3 times just this week! So happy cooking!!

Here is a great recipe for pumpkin bread that I found if anyone is interested. (I substituted butter for the shortening and added chocolate chips instead of nuts.) It makes a great gift for visiting teaching - either a large or mini-loaf...
Pumpkin Bread


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info Steph! I am sure I will use it. Your pumpkin bread sounds yummy too!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information. I've had a hard time figuring out what to cook since nothing sounds good. Thanks again.