Friday, November 3, 2006

What's less than a quarter?

Last night at dinner we were discussing the phases of the moon with M&M because she is studying the moon in school. It was cloudy last night so M&M wasn't able to see the moon and she needed to know what it looked like for an assignment for school. So I looked at our calendar hanging on the wall and saw that Sunday is supposed to be a new moon. So I asked M&M what the moon looked like yesterday. She said it was a quarter moon. So I asked her, "If yesterday was a quarter moon and Sunday is going to be a new moon, what do you think the moon would have looked like tonight?" She was a bit confused on what I was getting at so DH asked her, "What is less than a quarter?" To which Luke piped up, "A nickel!"

P.S. - Now for those of you who might look at the moon tonight and wonder what we're talking about since the moon is almost full, I got the symbols backwards on my calendar and Sunday is supposed to be a full moon and M&M thought that the 3/4 moon she saw on Wednesday was called a quarter moon...