Thursday, November 9, 2006

Sleeping beauty

Blondie is our one child that sleeps in regularly and can sleep through almost anything. This morning I finally went into her room at 10:15 to wake her up!! She was awake, but just laying there in bed. There was one time a couple of months ago when I was watching 2 little boys in the morning while their mom helped out at school and Blondie stayed asleep the whole time they were here. They were dropped off at about 8:15 in the morning and picked up just before 10. While we were in Virginia, the first couple of nights there Kitty had a hard time going to sleep and she was in a crib screaming in the same room with Blondie and Blondie just slept right through it all. DH often remarks that she is a child after his own heart - he could easily sleep in until 10 or 11 if the kids (& work) would let him...

Good morning Blondie!!