Monday, May 28, 2007

How do you like my new...

**WARNING: If you are a member of the N family and would rather be surprised by what is new at my house (since the Ns LOVE to surprise one another), please stop reading this blog and do not scroll down the page to see the pictures!!**

There is a couple in our ward that makes clocks and sells them. They used to sell them at a boutique craft store but with the wife's new calling in November (Relief Society President), they decided that they were too busy to continue selling at the store and they just do it on the side now when people ask them. I have known for quite some time that they made clocks but I had never seen one of them so I didn't know what they looked like. A few weeks ago I was at the home of another ward member and noticed a large clock hanging on their wall that had their name on it. I asked where they got it and they said that it was made by this couple in our ward, the Harrises. I really liked the clock and thought that something like that would go very nicely on the big blank wall in our dining area of the house. I mentioned to DH about the clock and he suggested that I look into it and talk with Sister Harris about it to find out more info/how much they charge, etc.

A week or two later we had a YW activity where we made some freezer meals for families in the ward. We ended up taking the meals directly to the Relief Society President's house so that she could keep them in her freezer and have them available when they were needed. Since the girls all ended up leaving for home directly from the Harris' house, I decided to stick around and ask her about the clocks and if they were still making them. She invited me into her house right then to look at some that were all done except the personalization to see if there was one that I liked. I did like one of them and I asked her how much they were selling them for and said that I would talk to my husband about it and let her know if we wanted her to finish one for us.

Less than a week after I told Gayle that we wanted the clock and what we wanted on it, she had it finished and I picked it up at her house. Because of my parents moving into town and us helping them with some of the unpacking we didn't get it hung up for a couple of days, but here it is:

Here is a picture taken from our living room so you can get some perspective on how big the clock is:
Now I'm trying to decide if I want to buy some type of decoration to hang on either side of the clock.


Anonymous said...

I think the clock looks terrific! Thanks for the warning!

Cherylyn said...

I love the clock! Where is the piano? Did it just get moved to hang the clock?

Steph said...

The clock is hanging on the kitchen wall. The piano is in the living room. I'm taking the picture from close to where the piano is.