Thursday, May 3, 2007

It's rough being 2

Kitty has had a rough time this week. She can throw some terrific tantrums when she doesn't get what she wants. On Tuesday she was throwing one of those tantrums and had thrown herself on the living room floor and was just laying there crying & screaming and the next thing I knew she was asleep. The funny part is that I was vacuuming at the time and M&M & Luke were playing around her and were not being very quiet either. Kitty has never been a good napper - even when she was a baby, so I usually don't put her down for a nap. I guess when you're tired enough you can fall asleep anywhere and sleep through anything...

Then on Wednesday while I was at YW, this is how she fell asleep while the family was watching a movie...


Anonymous said...

Love your activity as Laura is throwing a tantrum. I had such trouble ignoring those. Good job!