Friday, May 25, 2007

Sick household

I think I can say today that we are all officially healthy now. It all started on Sunday morning when I went to get Kitty out of bed. She was looking down at her hands and when I got closer I realized that she had thrown up in bed. I'm not sure when it happened, but I got her up and dressed and decided to wait and see if she was sick or not. We stayed up late on Saturday night watching a movie and eating caramel popcorn so I thought that maybe she had just eaten too much and that's why she had thrown up. Apparently not though because I brought her to the kitchen table to eat some breakfast and she threw up again.

DH was at a meeting while all this was going on so he was a little surprised when he got home and I told him that one of us would have to stay home from church that day. DH volunteered to stay since I had been asked to lead the singing in sacrament meeting. Thankfully the kids did fine sitting by themselves. Kitty was a real trooper while she was sick. She never cried or whined once. She spent most of the day just sitting with either DH or me which is something that she rarely does.

She ended up sleeping through the night just fine and then seemed to be back to her old self on Monday and the rest of us felt fine as well. So I thought that we were all through it (wishful thinking on my part). I spent the day on Monday cleaning my house to get ready for my parents and sister M to arrive. (My parents are officially Utahns again!) They arrived around 4 in the afternoon. I gave them directions to get to their house so they could drop off their dog Molly and then come back to my house for dinner and to go to M&M's end of the year gymnastics performance. When we got back home after M&M's performance my stomach started to really hurt all of a sudden. We got some things for my parents (air mattresses, sheets, pillows, etc) so they could sleep in their new house (the moving truck was coming at 8 a.m. the next morning) and then got the kids off to bed. I then spent some time in the bathroom and tried going to bed myself.

Not too much later I heard Blondie crying and DH in the bathroom with her. Well, the sickness hit her as well and she had thrown up in bed and it was all over (in her hair too - yuck). Unfortunately I was still feeling sick and couldn't really go and help. I finally managed to get myself out of bed and went in to try and comfort Blondie while DH cleaned up. Poor girl!

We got her back to bed and I went back to bed myself. The next thing I knew Blondie was walking into my room with her hand over her mouth saying that she was going to throw up again. I told her to quickly get into the bathroom and we actually made it to the toilet before she threw up. I sat there with her for a few minutes and then I started feeling sick again so I took my turn throwing up with Blondie watching from behind. At one point while I was throwing up she said, "Whoa! Good one Mom!" She then asked me if I was feeling better (apparently she was...).

So back to bed again and then at about six in the morning Luke woke up throwing up. He was pretty good about it, but unfortunately it woke Kitty up. She was pretty wide awake and hadn't thrown up at all on Monday and I was feeling a little better so I brought her into my bed to try and get her back to sleep. She was awake and talking for a while and then all of a sudden she started to throw up! I managed to catch most of it in my hands but we still had to change the sheets on the bed. So I took Kitty downstairs and tried to get some sleep with her on the couch.

Luke stayed home from school on Tuesday and DH took the day off of work. I got M&M off to school and told her to let her teacher know if she started feeling sick. I called my parents and warned them that we were all sick and probably wouldn't be coming over for a couple of days. Not too long after I hung up, the phone rang and I heard M&M's voice on the other end - she sounded upset. I immediately thought that she had thrown up at school or on the bus and needed to be picked up from school. Well, it turns out that they had changed the lunch menu for that day and they were going to be serving something for lunch that she didn't like. I told her not to worry about it and I would have her dad bring a lunch to her.

Well, Blondie, Kitty, Luke & I sat around all morning watching some kids shows and DH stayed in bed. Finally at around 10:30 I decided that I needed to get up and shower and get a lunch to M&M before she got too worried. DH finally started stirring when I got out of the shower and I told him that I needed to take a lunch to school for M&M. Apparently DH was tired/not feeling well too and he ended up sleeping most of the day.

We were all worried about M&M because with the rate things were going with our family she was the next to get sick and very soon. Her class was scheduled to go on a field trip on Wednesday and I was afraid that she would end up missing it. Amazingly though, M&M has not been sick at all. She was able to go to her field trip and hasn't caught any of the sickness that the rest of us had.

Luke woke up feeling fine on Wednesday and went back to school. DH stayed home from work another day because he still wasn't feeling too good himself. Blondie threw up again on Wednesday morning so I left DH home with Blondie & Kitty while I went to the grocery store and post office. Kitty had a LOT of very runny diapers up until Thursday morning, but I think we are all finally in the clear today (Friday). My mom & sister were both feeling a little sick on Wednesday but we're not sure if it was what our family had or a result of stress from the move and unpacking.


Cherylyn said...

Oh my goodness, what a story! I started to get sick at the end of Mom and Dad Nielson's stay here, and this morning I threw up also. It is actually a little bit comforting knowing that it's something that's going around. And I thought sick season was over.