Thursday, May 3, 2007

More updates

My dentist appointment went well on Tuesday. The endodontist said that as long as I don't have any more problems with pain or swelling in that area of my jaw, he doesn't need to see me until the fall for a quick follow-up. It took me about 30 minutes to drive there, I was in the office for about 5 minutes and then it took me another 20 minutes to get home...

I got a call from the Furniture Company earlier this week asking if they could move the delivery date for our sectional to Friday because there was some problem that came up with Thursday. They then called this morning and said that they will deliver it tomorrow between 8 a.m. and noon. So tomorrow by this time we should have it. Yea!!!

After playing some phone tag with a genetics counselor at the U of U, we finally were able to talk to each other. After reading some of the info on my sister's report we were able to determine that the test I need done can't be done at the U of U. So she directed me to the website for the Texas clinic and she was able to help me figure out which test I need from their lab. I then called up my Dr's office and of course he is out of town until next week... The lady I talked to told me to bring the papers in that I printed out and she would make sure that my Dr gets them. So hopefully next week I will be able to finally get this test under my belt. The only thing I'm not sure of yet is whether our insurance company will cover any of the costs of the test. The test is $585. The insurance company needs my Dr to call with the procedure codes so they can determine if it will be covered or not.

The basement carpet appears to have dried completely now and so far things look good - and no smells...

The weather has been crazy here over the past week. We finally had to break down and turn on the A/C because we were in the 80s for several days in a row. This morning though we had a cold front hit us. At lunchtime today it was raining/hailing outside and this is what our yard looked like.


Anonymous said...

Stephanie-I obviously hadn't been keeping up on blogs while helping at Shane & Vonae's. Can't believe all you've gone through!!!!!!!!! What a mess..Am delighted you're finally going to get your sectional, that your mouth is doing better, that you didn't sustain damage with your sprinkler episode and that it appears you'll be able to take the test to determine some important decisions for you and Heath. Am surprised about how difficult it has been for you to run down the proper procedure and contact the right people. As to your weather; it's a sign of the times.....just weird!Take care and keep up the good work.