Monday, September 29, 2008

Chunky monkey!

Here are some pictures of Baby K, affectionately known as "Chunky Monkey" or "Drool Queen" around our house. I can't believe that she is almost 6 months old already!
She has about the biggest thighs that I have ever seen on a baby. Everyone who sees her can't help but make some comment about how big & chubby she is - healthy looking! :)
She is definitely a fun baby and loves to flash a big grin at anyone who smiles at her!
She still hasn't figured out how to roll from her tummy to her back but she is getting ready for crawling. She will lay on her stomach and lift her whole torso off of the ground with her arms!
She is a very happy and content baby and only gets sad when she is left by herself for too long.


Missy White said...

She is such a cutie pie!