Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Last 2 weeks

We have had a lot going on during the last 2 weeks and I haven't had a lot of time to blog. My afternoons/evenings and weekends are pretty busy now that school is in full swing. M&M is singing in the school choir again this year - they practice twice a week right after school. Soccer season has started - M&M has practice twice a week and Luke has it once a week. Then we have 2 games every Saturday. M&M is also doing tumbling which practices once a week. Luckily we have people to carpool with for choir and tumbling so it makes it a little nicer for me. The school will also be starting up a school band here in the next couple of weeks and we are debating whether or not to put M&M in it.

Blondie is doing great at getting up in the morning for school. I thought for sure that she would start taking naps in the afternoon once school started but she is still wide awake and excited when she gets home.

Baby K turned 5 months old a couple of weeks ago and she continues to be a happy & fun baby. The kids can't get enough of her - especially when I am trying to get her to sleep!! She is getting much better at being on her tummy and is doing great at holding her upper body up with her arms. She's also still sleeping through the night most nights and usually goes down for the night between 9 and 10. It's fun watching her get better at reaching for things and picking up toys to play with. She is a super chubby baby and has a hard time even fitting in some 6-9 month clothes!

So on top of all of this we had DH's parents here for a few days while they attended a wedding of a friend and then the next weekend DH's brother and 17 month old daughter came to visit for a cousin's wedding. I feel like it is the season of weddings lately. DH & I went to the wedding reception of someone in the ward while his parents were here and there is another one next week, as well as another cousin getting married in October!

Here are some pictures from the last 2 weeks: