Monday, September 29, 2008

Sickness in the family

One downside to having a lot of young kids is that usually when one person gets sick, it doesn't take too long for the sickness to make its way through the whole family. Last week, M&M had a sore throat & stuffy nose for a couple of days and then she passed it on to Blondie who still has a little bit of a runny nose. Then on Friday & Saturday, Baby K and I started coming down with a runny nose and eyes that wouldn't stop watering. Baby K didn't sleep too well on Friday night but wasn't too bad on Saturday.

On Saturday night Baby K slept through the night and then woke up Sunday morning with the most horrible sounding cough. I think a big part of it was from sleeping in her crib flat on her back all night long, but she sounded terrible. You could tell that her throat was hurting her because every time she coughed she would start crying because it hurt. DH stayed home from church with her while I went to primary and then I came home and DH went to Sacrament Meeting with the rest of the kids.

I spent most of the night on the couch with Baby K last night and she still doesn't sound great today. I keep feeling like if she could just get a few good coughs out then she could clear out some of her throat and then she wouldn't sound so bad. I'm not sure if she just doesn't know that she should cough or if it just hurts too much and she doesn't want to. The amazing thing is that she is still pretty cheerful through her sickness and keeps smiling at everyone. I have just been keeping her in her exersaucer today to keep her upright and have been laying her down to sleep in her car seat so she's not flat on her back. Hopefully she is over the worst of it and will get back to normal in the next couple of days. And hopefully the rest of the family will stay healthy. (DH had a sore throat this morning when he left for work.)


Missy White said...

We have a cold bug here. I have it. No sore throat, however. Just a cough and lots of head cold and extremely tired. I've done a lot of sleeping. Hope your family gets better soon. Mom N.