Monday, May 11, 2009


The kids were off-track for two weeks from April 20 - May 1. While they were off-track we were thinking about going down to the St. George area to visit some of the national parks around there, but DH wasn't able to take the time off work with some deadlines he had coming up. The majority of the time off-track we just stuck close to home - did some much needed clothes and shoes shopping for a couple of the kids and spent a lot of time working out in our garden.

On the Friday before they had to go back to school I decided to try something new with the kids and I attempted to take them to the see new Disneynature movie, Earth, at the theater. I had heard good things about it and figured that it was a movie that wouldn't be too scary and that all of the kids would enjoy. I was also hoping that Baby K would take a nap during it. Luke had won a gift card to a local movie theater from his orthodontist's office and we had some money on another gift card that we have had for a while so in the end I only had to pay about $3 out of pocket for me plus 4 kids. The kids had a lot of fun going to the theater to see a movie and Kitty couldn't quit talking through the whole thing asking me questions. Luckily the theater was pretty empty, but I ended up having to spend about half of the movie out in the hall with Baby K. Thankfully M&M moved over next to Kitty when she got scared in one part and overall the kids enjoyed it. I think next time though I will leave Baby K at home!!