Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Family calendar time again!

After the usual amount of teeth-pulling and arm twisting, I was finally able to complete the calendars for my family on Monday and my mom mailed them for me. This was the 10th year that I have compiled and printed out these family calendars! It is fun for me to do since we all live so far apart and aren't able to see each other very often. Thankfully last summer we had a family reunion where all but one of my siblings were able to attend and we were able to get some good group pictures for most of the families. It's also fun for me and my kids to look back through the old calendars and see how everyone has grown over the years. It's also fun seeing how the look of the calendars has changed over the years and how much more professional this year's calendar looks compared to the first few that I did! (And amazingly I am still using the same printer that has lasted all of these years and still does an awesome job! It gets a good workout this time of year as I print out over 100 pages - mostly double-sided and half of those being full-size photos. This printer was the first item I ever bought on ebay.) Hopefully this is something that I can continue to do for another 10 years and more!