Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Luke!

We now have a second child in the double digits! Luke turned 10 yesterday! We just had a small family party last night and will have a friend party for him later.His main gifts this year were Nerf N-strike Elite for the Wii and a Star Wars Lego set where you can make 8 different Star Wars vehicles (two at a time). He was also excited to get a football from his grandparents. We also gave him Mario & Sonic Heroes at the Olympics (for the Wii) with the understanding that it is a game for the family.
The awesome shirt that my mom found for him:Luke is a really good kid and his sisters are lucky to have him for a brother. He has become more and more of a tease as he gets older, but for the most part he is a really kind and caring brother. He is my only child who on a regular basis will volunteer to help me with things and when I ask him to do something for me, 9 times out of 10 he will do it without any complaining whatsoever. He even volunteers to change diapers for me and help me with dinner. In some ways he is definitely a typical boy, but I think having five sisters has definitely mellowed him out some. He is also a very friendly child and makes friends very easily.