Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sleep talking?

Over the last few weeks my husband and I have had two very weird conversations with Blondie during the night. The first time I think was around the first week of January, but already the details are a little fuzzy so I need to blog about it before I forget too much.

Blondie was just getting over a cold - runny nose, sore throat - when she woke up one night when DH was on his way up to bed. She was really hysterical and was definitely upset about something. DH tried talking with her but wasn't able to make much headway so he came downstairs where I was feeding MJ and asked if I had any suggestions. I told him to carry her down and I would try talking to her. So DH brought her down to the family room and she was still crying out like she was afraid or really upset about something. I asked her what was the matter and she said, "I don't like them!" I asked her what she didn't like and she responded, "My hands! I don't like my hands!" as she was grabbing and pulling at her hands. DH and I looked at each other and asked, "Are your hands hurting you?" She responded "no" they weren't hurting her. She was also kind of grabbing at her throat and mouth so we asked if her throat or mouth were hurting her and she said "no". Finally after asking her about different parts of her and if they were hurting, she finally started to wake up more and become more aware of her surroundings and what was going on. After a few minutes she was completely calm and ready to go back to bed...

Then a couple of nights ago Blondie was again fighting a similar cold and I was upstairs in my room when I heard someone crying out for Mom. At first I thought it was Kay waking up again (she was also sick and not sleeping well so far that night). I went to investigate who was calling for me when I saw Blondie awake in her bed. I went in and asked her what she needed.
Blondie: "I don't like the music."
Me: "What music? There's no music playing."
Blondie: "The pony music. I don't like the pony music!"
Me (looking puzzled): "There's no pony music playing so you should be just fine. Are you feeling alright? Is there anything you need?"
Blondie: "I guess."
Me: "What do you want me to get you?"
Blondie: "I don't know."
Then she closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

When I asked Blondie the next day about the conversation, she had no recollection of any of it...