Monday, February 7, 2011

Somedays you just have to laugh!

This morning I had to get the 3 little ones up early to drive my parents to the airport. We stopped at the grocery store on the way home for a few items and then went home. Once we got home I got the kids breakfast and nursed MJ. After that Kay disappeared upstairs for a little while and then came downstairs with a stinky diaper. At around the same time I heard MJ filling up her britches as well so I laid them both down to change them. After I got Kay changed I moved on to MJ and saw that her diaper had leaked up the back pretty good so I asked Kitty to get me a plastic bag while I tried to save MJ's clothes (this is when it pays to have a onesie on the kids). So here I was standing MJ up and trying to get her onesie off without making a complete mess and Kitty is bringing me a plastic bag when all of a sudden I feel something wet on my leg. I look down and MJ is relieving herself right where she is standing and it has splashed from the plastic changing mat onto my pants. (I hadn't put a clean diaper on her yet because I wanted to get her all cleaned up first so I didn't dirty a second diaper right then.) All I could do at that point was laugh because it was a pretty funny picture! Somehow I managed to save MJ's clothes with the exception of her socks! :) My pants on the other hand needed to be changed!


Heath said...


Dan said...

I agree with Heath.