Monday, March 21, 2011

8 months old!

Sometimes MJ looks way too little to me to be standing already. She immediately went from crawling to pulling herself up to things.She had a little bit of a rough week last week cutting her first tooth. She's been biting things even more then usual and not sleeping great. Her tooth finally broke through a couple of days ago so she is finally sleeping a little better at night now. She is finally staring to cuddle a little bit abd it's fun to see her reach for her dad and snuggle up to him for a minute.

Check out this healthy looking baby:
Up to no good...She has two favorite places to go in the family room. The first place is up to the T.V. stand where the Nintendo Wii is plugged in and also the DVD player that she likes to play with. Her second favorite place is under the computer desk where I have a bunch of piano music stacked for right now.