Sunday, May 15, 2011

Little things

* The kids had the Monday after Easter off of school this year so we used the time to recover a little from our trip. Luke helped mow the lawn while M&M did an awesome job vacuuming out the van! The younger girls helped to entertain MJ while I helped with the mowing.

* M&M scored two goals in one of her soccer games a couple of weeks ago! One of her goals for this season was to score a goal and she accomplished it! (Unfortunately DH and I both missed both of them! The game was a makeup game on a Wednesday evening and I had dropped M&M off at the game, but then had to go back home to pick up something that we had forgotten. DH arrived late because he was stopping off on his way home from work. She scored both of the goals at the beginning of the game.) M&M said that they were both passes made to the center of the field and she was in the right place at the right time and beat the goalie to the ball both times.

* Luke scored 4 goals in his game a couple of weeks ago! He scored the only 3 goals made in the first half of the game and then he scored one more in the second half. Fortunately I did get to see all of his goals.

* MJ has only woken up once a night for the past three nights in a row! Thursday evening she slept for over 6 hours straight. I am crossing my fingers and hoping that we finally have the worst behind us. Now if I could just get her to nap better during the day...

* Lately I have been trying to have DH take MJ during Sacrament Meeting so she doesn't think she needs to go out and nurse the whole time. Somedays, like today, it works great and she ends up falling asleep in DH's lap (after a little bit of a struggle).

* We have finally had some nice weather so I have been able to get out to the garden and get a lot of work done in it. I will hopefully be able to start planting some things tomorrow. We have quite a few of our strawberry plants come back this year and I have bought a few more to plant in what will hopefully become a nice little strawberry patch along the side of our house out in the garden area.