Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rain, rain & more rain!

That has been our weather for the last week and we're supposed to get even more! Last week we finally had some nice sunny weather so we could go out and work in the garden. Then on Saturday we had some storms go through, Sunday and Monday were nice and then it has rained everyday since! The kids and I were able to work in some compost and fertilizer into the garden soil on Monday and we planted some strawberry and tomato plants. I love the rain, but right now it is really putting a crimp in my gardening! It would be nice to be able to have another sunny day so I can plant some seeds in our nice soil now and not let the weeds enjoy it all!

And it's been a little too chilly! I had to turn the furnace back on - it's the middle of May! The temperature got down in the 30s on Tuesday and we even had a few snowflakes fall!