Thursday, November 12, 2015

Friend Party

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Kay begged me to throw her a friend party this year and I agreed to do it. She invited all of the girls from her school class. We had 7 girls show up and Kay had a blast!

She chose a horse/unicorn theme and we played pin-the-tail on the unicorn, played a ring toss game with glow stick bracelets, launched helicopter toys off the deck, jumped on the trampoline and had a pinata. We served cupcakes that the girls decorated.

M&M drew this by copying a smaller version of it that Kay had drawn (I thought I took a picture of her drawing but I don't see it here. I think I have it saved so I will take a picture and add it here.)
I couldn't find any unicorn pinatas so this was the next best thing that I could find!
MJ getting in on the action!