Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Pregnant or not??

I went to see my midwife about 2 weeks ago and we weren't able to find a heartbeat. It was a little disappointing, but don't be alarmed by this news - I have what is called a retroflexed, or retroverted, uterus which means that it is tipped back towards my lower back (not the normal position). Because of this it makes it hard to hear the heartbeat early on. Since I was only 11 weeks at the time, there is no reason to be concerned at this point (and the same thing happened when I was pregnant with Kitty). My midwife was able to tell that my uterus is growing and I definitely feel pregnant. DH just likes it when I can finally hear the heartbeat so that he knows that I'm not just imagining things...

I think that I was feeling the baby move last night which is exciting. At this point it can be hard to tell if it is actually the baby or just my own body but I'm pretty sure that I was feeling the baby last night. I have been lucky enough to feel movements very early on with all of my pregnancies. It's certainly an amazing feeling having something living moving & growing inside of my body.

BTW - The baby is supposed to be about 3 inches long from head to its rump at this point (and all of the organs are formed by now)...