Thursday, March 6, 2008

More articles on autism

Here are two somewhat disturbing articles on possible causes of autism. If you are currently pregnant or planning on having kids in the future, I would definitely read these. One is on a possible link between ultrasounds & autism and the other is on a possible link between pitocin during labor & autism. One thing is definitely clear to me and that is that there has been a HUGE increase in autism rates over the last 20 or so years in ALL industrialized countries - and these numbers cannot be justified by the explanation that there are better tests available today to diagnose it. Another disturbing trend is that a good portion of these children come from families that have high incomes and are well educated - who have the best obstetrical care money can buy. While I personally don't think that having one ultrasound during your pregnancy around 20 weeks will harm your unborn baby, this first article does make me question the use of multiple ultrasounds throughout pregnancy & especially ones in the first trimester when the baby's brain & neurological system is initially developing.

Questions about Prenatal Ultrasound and the Alarming Increase in Autism by Caroline Rodgers from Midwifery Today website

ATTN: Researchers- Look in the first environment, the womb from Autism Today website