Monday, March 3, 2008

Pregnancy update - Week 34

I can't believe I only have 6 weeks left - actually we're hoping less than that. I'll be 37 weeks at the end of this month so I can have the baby at home anytime after that! M&M was 12 days early & my only late baby was Blondie who was 2 days late. Regardless, I hope that the baby does not end up sharing birthdays with Kitty on April 17th... I'm also hoping the baby will be a little early because the kids will be off track March 20-April 13 and it would be nice to not have to worry about school for a few days after the baby comes...

My midwife came over to our house today for a prenatal visit and things are looking good. I usually go to her house but she was going to be in the area & she leaves tomorrow for a 2 week trip to Africa. I've been measuring about 1-2 cm bigger the last couple of visits and she said the baby feels like it's probably close to 5 lbs right now. Hopefully this all means that my due date is a little off and that the baby will come early. :-> The baby was really active while she was here and she had a hard time finding the heartbeat because there was so much other noise going on inside.

One great thing with this pregnancy is that my blood pressure has been pretty low. Today she measured it at 114/66 - which I think is the lowest it's been for any of my pregnancies. She thinks part of it is that she came to my house where I was relaxed and in my own environment. That definitely could be part of it because I always seem to get the "white coat syndrome" when I am at a Dr's office. My weight gain has also slowed down since I started exercising in January. I've been trying to do aerobics 4-5 times a week and have been successful except for the week when I was sick with the flu. I've only gained about 3 pounds over the last 7 weeks.

Overall I feel really good except for occasional heartburn & occasional sleepless nights. The baby definitely has an active period in the evening between dinner & bedtime and sometimes the kicking & moving around isn't the most comfortable. I also have periods where I can't sit very comfortably or bend over because the baby is taking up so much space - but that's to be expected at this point. I'm definitely getting excited & nervous about the next couple of weeks!! I don't think it will hit me that this is my 5th child until he/she is actually here!