Monday, April 21, 2008

2 weeks old!

I can't believe that Baby K is 2 weeks old already - and yet some days it feels like she's been around longer than that. I am still adjusting to having a newborn around. Lately she seems to think that she should be eating all day long. Whenever I get her well fed and try to lay her down to sleep she almost immediately wakes up and wants to eat again. Unfortunately this means that I have been able to get hardly anything done around the house. Every room seems to be a disaster, there are always dishes that need to be done, laundry to be washed and/or put away, groceries that need to be bought and I am barely able to get the rest of the kids fed throughout the day. I'm lucky if I can get showered and dressed by noon! Thankfully Baby K does great at night and will usually wake up just once to eat - so I'm not sleep deprived, just time deprived during the day...

Baby K & I are still trying to get the whole nursing thing down. When my milk came in the first week it was too much for her and she was having a hard time latching on. Because of that she became slightly jaundiced which made her extra sleepy so she was eating even less and losing weight. Our pediatrician had me supplement some with bottles and wake her up every 2-3 hours to eat. She has finally started gaining her weight back and is much more awake and alert throughout the day. Now I just need to get my milk supply back up so that we don't have to do bottles anymore (although I must admit that it's nice every once and a while to be able to hand the baby off to DH to feed - and he enjoys it as well).

This is the only way I have found that I can keep Baby K asleep so I can get things done during the day:

curled up in the baby sling