Thursday, April 3, 2008

Getting ready for baby...

The last couple of weeks have been busy around our house trying to get things ready for the baby. I finally got our bedroom cleaned up and set up the bassinet/changing table pack-n-play that we have and I have bought some new clothes for the birth day. I have bought both boy & girl things so we are prepared for either one. With Blondie I had only gender neutral things out for the birth but at this point I like to have both genders & then I'll either take back the things we don't use or I'll save them to give away as gifts. I also got some new flannel blankets made - both boy & girl again. There was a great sale on flannel at the fabric store a couple of weeks ago and I found some really cute fabrics. I pulled out all of our baby stuff from storage last Saturday and I've cleared out enough space in our bedroom so that we can set up the birthing pool in there again. I bought a new infant car seat/carrier because our previous one has gone through 4 kids now. When I pulled it out of the box the other day Luke made the comment that I really must think that we're having a boy because the car seat is black & gray! (Actually, the seat that I got doesn't come in any "girly" colors.) I've also done my birthday shopping for April already so that I don't have to worry about it once the baby is born. Both my mom & DH's mom have their birthdays this month & Kitty will be turning 3 on the 17th!

One advantage with this birth is that my parents now live nearby so my mom doesn't have to try and time her flight to get here before the baby is born. The disadvantage with them living here in Utah though is that they are also closer to my younger brother who is attending BYU-Idaho. My parents are on their way up to Rexburg today to attend his final choir concert and then will be going up again next week for his graduation. So, I'm not supposed to have the baby today, tomorrow, or next Wednesday, Thursday or Friday (are you listening baby?!?). ;) Other then that, any day should be good (and preferably before the kids go back to school on April 14th)...

For those of you that want to send gifts for the baby, the one thing we really don't need is blankets! I can always use cute clothes & shoes & our crib sheets are getting pretty worn. I could also use some covers for my boppy pillow and a new mobile for the crib (our old one is broken).


Missy White said...

I'm so impressed....Your 5th child and look how organized you are. Must make you feel good. Hope your Mom is around when the little one makes his/her entrance. Good luck with everything. You mentioned birthdays. I could use some suggestions for Laura's BD. Thanks!