Saturday, April 19, 2008

Kitty turns 3!

Thursday, April 17th
Kitty turned the big 3 this week. She is at a really cute, fun age and it was a lot of fun watching her open her presents. She wanted everything to be pink this year. When she was asked what she wanted for her birthday her answer was always something pink, i.e. a pink trampoline, a pink chair, a pink pony...

My brother & his wife, D & K, came down from Rexburg Wednesday to spend a couple of days with us so they were her for Kitty's birthday as well as my parents & sister M. We had a pizza dinner and then my brother & dad put together Kitty's new tricycle & then we had cake & ice cream. Kitty was so excited all day long for me to decorate her cake and then she wanted to eat it right after I was done. When I was decorating it I kept asking her what color she wanted different things like the pony, the flowers, the pony's hair and every time the answer was 'pink'. She had a hard time waiting all day before we finally ate it!

The video I've included here was when Kitty was opening up one of her gifts which was a My Little Pony play house. For some reason she had it in her head that this was something for Blondie because it is something she knew that Blondie would like as well. It was pretty hilarious watching her open the present. (And yes that is Baby K crying in the background - she had decided that she wanted to eat right when Kitty was in the middle of opening the gifts...)


Missy White said...

What a fun memory to have captured! Happy Birthday Laura!
Hopefully she and Alicia will have a wonderful time with her gift.