Monday, April 28, 2008

Locks of Love

M&M has been growing her hair out for a long time now and I had been thinking that it would make a good donation to Locks of Love. Locks of Love is a charity group that makes wigs for children that are going through medical treatments that cause them to lose their hair and can't afford to buy a wig on their own. You have to have at least 10 inches of hair that you can donate. M&M has been somewhat hesitant about it and DH has not been too supportive of the idea either. On Saturday M&M mentioned that she would like her hair cut but I could tell that she was hesitant about having 10 inches cut off. Finally towards the end of the day I said that I would let her decide and just cut off however much (or little) she wanted me to. She had me measure out 10 inches to see how short it would leave her hair and then she agreed to let me cut it off. I ended up cutting off about 10 1/2 inches! M&M loves it though - it ended up being longer than she thought it would and she kept commenting yesterday on how much she liked the hair cut! I'm glad we went through with it - now I just need to get the ponytail sent off in the mail!


Mom and Dad said...

We really like her hair short

Missy White said...

Miss Em----I love your new haircut - you were very brave and I'm glad you are pleased with the outcome!