Sunday, April 27, 2008

Blog changes

I have been contemplating for quite a while as to whether or not I should make my blog private. After weighing the options I have decided that I will keep my blog public but I will give everyone in my family a code name so that if you don't know our family it will be harder to find out personal information about us. It will take me a little time to get all of my previous posts changed to reflect our new code names but from now on this is how I will refer to each of our family members:


Luke Skywalker
(a.k.a. Luke)



Baby K
(this name will probably change once we get to
know her personality a little bit better)

DH (dear husband in internet lingo)
a.k.a. Dad or Daddy

me (Steph)
a.k.a. Mom or Mommy


Missy White said...

Some of those names are hilarious! Is DH growing something on his chin?

Steph said...

No, it's a picture from Christmas break - he can't have facial hair working for his current employer...