Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Buzz and Cinderella

I've been bugging Luke about wanting to give him a buzz cut for the last couple of months, but he has been hesitant to let me do it. Then when I gave him his last haircut just before school got out, he decided that he finally wanted one. Well, I didn't want to buzz it until school was out and then I've been kind of dragging my feet because I have never given anyone a buzz cut before. Well, finally tonight I decided to give it a shot and here is the result:I think it looks pretty good! It is definitely a different look for Luke.

When we went downstairs to show his dad and take a few pictures, this is what was happening upstairs in the kitchen:Our own Cinderella picked up the broom and started sweeping up the hair on the floor!


Vonae said...

I think that the hair cut looks great on him. You did a good job. What a cute little Cinderella!