Friday, June 11, 2010

Last day of school 2009-2010

Yesterday M&M and Luke's classes had awards programs for the parents. They both got a number of awards for the work that they did in school this year. Luke's class also performed some plays that the students had put together and learned. Today is M&M's last day of Elementary School!! I can't believe that she will be moving on to Middle School next year - it makes me feel older! The kids have all had good teachers this year and have enjoyed learning from them. M&M's teacher is retiring this year - she has been teaching for over 20 years! She was quite emotional at the awards ceremony yesterday and I'm sure today will be a hard day for her! Blondie's class did not do a program for the parents so I picked up the kids from school today so that I could get a picture of her with her teacher.

M&M with Mrs. H

Luke with Ms. T

Blondie with Mrs. S