Tuesday, June 8, 2010


On Saturday, the lady in my ward whose baby was due just 2 weeks before me had her baby. She was about 3 1/2 weeks early. I am a little jealous because now she doesn't have to endure the heat that has finally hit Utah. It was also her 6th baby and 5th girl, just like us. Now I am the next one in the ward who is due and it will come down to me and my co-den leader. She is due the week after me but is scheduled to have her baby by C-section the day before my due date. It will be an interesting transition for our den after our babies are born.

In 2 weeks and one day I will be officially 37 week and will be able to have my baby at home as scheduled. So I have to hold out until then, but then I'll be ready any day! For the most part I have been feeling good and I've been able to keep up with the things I need to do. Sometimes I just have to force myself to get something done and somehow I find the energy to do it. Probably my least favorite thing to do at this point is when I have to been over to pull weeds in the garden - very uncomfortable. I also have trouble sleeping some nights when my heartburn gets bad. That is definitely one thing I am looking forward to once this baby is born - no more heartburn!

The kids' last day of school is this Friday and then we don't really have any pressing obligations until school starts up again the last week of July. I'm going to try to get the kids in swim lessons to give us something to do and help the time pass by a little quicker - and so the kids don't drive me crazy being bored at home...

Since M&M is moving on to middle school next year, she won't start school until the end of August. It will be nice to have her around to help out with Kay and the new baby for a few weeks without the other kids around. She will also be able to help get Kitty ready for kindergarten and help her catch her bus to school. We have been assigned to afternoon kindergarten this year and I'm not too excited about that. I asked if there was anyway we could switch to morning like we had requested, but I was told that this was an unusual year because just about everybody wanted morning kindergarten so they had to just randomly pick students until the classes were full. We have always had morning kindergarten in the past so it will be a different experience for us.