Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Garden update - 6/2/10

Last Friday I was able to get out and do some more planting. Some of the things that I planted several weeks ago still hadn't come up at that point so I did some double planting of those things just in case the first plantings don't sprout for some reason or other. I ended up planting some cantaloupe, carrots, onions, lettuce, broccoli, corn, watermelon, pumpkin, cucumber, and radishes.

After some more rain this weekend and then last night, I finally made it out to see if anything had sprouted yet. This is what I have sprouting so far: lettuce, broccoli, a few corn seeds, one of the pumpkins, and some cucumber. These were all from the original plantings that I did a couple of weeks ago so I am excited!

On Saturday I took some time to spray the apple trees for codling moth. Hopefully we can stay on top of the sprayings so we can get a good apple crop again this year.