Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Family Reunion

So the week that MJ was born was the same week that my family had their family reunion planned for. I was hoping that MJ would be about 2 weeks old by the time the reunion came around, not 2 days old... Because of that, DH ended up attending a lot of the reunion with the older kids and without me.

Wednesday evening they went to a reunion at a park for my mom's extended family. Then on Thursday my parents took the oldest 4 kids swimming with their cousins and then DH took Kay over to my parents' house for dinner and then they all tie-dyed T-shirts. Friday for the reunion they went to Mirror Lake in the Uintahs for a picnic lunch and a hike. I met up with them at my parents' for dinner and a family talent show. On Saturday we met up at my parents' for lunch, a few outdoor activities and then a family picture. The only family members missing from the picture (and reunion) this year were my oldest sister and her four kids. We definitely missed them! M&M especially had a lot of fun playing with my sister's kids when we saw them last summer. Then on Sunday we met up after church for dinner at my parents' again. All in all it was a lot of work for my husband to take the kids and keep track of 5 of them on his own! I'm grateful that he was willing to do it. This is the third family get-together that my family has had in recent years where I had a newborn! Hopefully for the next reunion I will be able to help out and participate more...

Here are some pictures from the reunion:

Mirror Lake hike

Water balloons

Sponge bucket relay

Someone got their clothes all wet...
Fun with cousins!

MJ sporting her tie-dyed onesie

The all-girls table

There were plenty of family members willing to hold MJ for me!!

Thanks everyone for the fun memories!