Tuesday, August 10, 2010

M&M turns the big 1-2

M&M has reached the next milestone in our church - turning 12 and joining Young Women's! I can't believe that I have a daughter in YW already - I'm starting to feel old! Her birthday was the last day of YW camp so they let her go this year. She went to a church camp in Tremonton with the ward from July 26th-July 30th and she had a blast! They went to a ropes course offered at Utah State and even though it was very hard and challenging, she was able to do it. She is the 17th Beehive in our ward and a couple of them are her close friends that are just a month or two older than her. I'm glad that she was able to go to camp this year and I heard lots of compliments from leaders and other girls in the ward about M&M at camp. Now M&M gets to go to the weekly youth activities as well as youth firesides. Things are gradually going to get busier here for our family!


Vonae said...

WOW! Time really does fly. She looks beautiful and grown up. Have fun with a new activities.