Friday, August 27, 2010

One month old!

I can't believe that MJ is one month old already! She is finally starting to nurse better and because of that she is having more periods during the day where she is content and doesn't feel like she needs to be eating every hour of the day. I met with my midwife on Tuesday and she gave me some tips to try and get my milk supply back up and she also weighed MJ - she is finally back up to birth weight after losing over a pound and slowly gaining it back. I am still having to supplement some but things are going much better and I don't mind her being comfortable taking a bottle once or twice during the day so I can leave every once in a while to run errands and go places. MJ also does great at night. Once I get her to sleep around midnight she will sleep for about 4-5 hours and then wake up once for a few minutes to eat briefly and then she usually goes back to sleep for another two hours or so. MJ is starting to smile more and last night she even grinned and laughed at her dad when he was holding and talking to her. Here are a few pictures from the last couple of weeks:


Marilee said...

Cute! I love the picture with M&M holding her, and I love dark hair.

Vonae said...

MJ is sure cute! We always love the first laughs and smiles.