Tuesday, August 10, 2010

More baby pics

While MJ is sleeping here on my chest, I will try and put up a few more pictures of her first few weeks of life:One day old - check out those cheeks! Unfortunately she lost most of that chubbiness after a few days. Once again I have struggled with having enough of a milk supply for my baby - I went through the same thing with Kitty and Kay. My midwife thinks it may have to do with the fact that MJ has a small mouth and so she is having a hard time effectively nursing. So unfortunately I am currently having to supplement her again in-between nursing her to get enough food in her system. She will most likely be back up to her birth weight by the end of the week. She seems to be hungry all of the time which is why I haven't been able to do much blogging since she was born.

Her siblings love holding her! (1 day old)

3 days old

4 days old

Not too crazy about the water! - 6 days old

I love her periods of alert observation! Sometimes when she looks at you she seems much older than a newborn - something about those big eyes! (6 days old)

This is a cute onesie that Blondie and I found at the store the week before MJ was born. (9 days old)

MJ is a very impatient baby and gets herself very worked up if she isn't fed immediately when she wants to be. She gets to the point where she causes herself to gag on her own spit because she gets so worked up. MJ also startles very easily and will almost always wake up as soon as she is set down and she hates having her diaper changed. Whenever she is laid down her arms immediately fling out to either side and she startles herself. The last two days she has finally seemed to hit a more content faze and we hope she stays this way - otherwise I will be staying very close to home for the next few weeks.


Vonae said...

I can't believe how big MJ is. She is so cute. Today we went and purchased Ryker some new shoes and when we got home Lauren put them on and said these are cute shoes. Yes, that's right my three year old can fit into my 1 year olds shoes. Crazy!!!