Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Conference Center & Temple Square

Saturday, August 6, 2011
Shortly after Blondie's baptism, the four oldest kids had to run off to the Conference Center to perform in Faith, the Musical. DH, his parents and his brother and family went to see the matinee performance at 2:00. I stayed home with Kay and MJ and then met up downtown with everyone after the performance. We were able to take the four oldest with us too because they had about an hour and a half before they had to report for the evening performance. The first thing we did was take a tour of the Conference Center and then we walked around Temple Square a little. A little after 6:00 I took the older kids back to the Conference Center Little Theater for the play and then I took MJ and Kay home again. DH and his family stayed a little bit longer and then came home and brought dinner. DH's brother and family left that evening for Idaho.

Conference Center:

View from the roof of the Conference Center:

This is a mural etched out of stone that is located on the roof of the Conference Center. The black, shiny areas are the polished stone and the varying degrees of gray and white are where the stone was etched away to make a relief mural.

Temple Square:

Christus statue in the North Visitor's Center: