Thursday, September 15, 2011

Kay talk

* Kay and MJ love to come into my bathroom whenever I am in there and today MJ was getting into some things that I didn't want her getting into. So I firmly told her "no" and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her away. After I did that Kay came up to me and said, "I'm so sorry! Can you forgive me?"

* The other day I was out running errands in the morning with the little girls. When we were through and getting back in the car I mentioned to Kay that we needed to hurry home because Baka was going to be coming over soon to watch them. If you remember, Kay calls my dad Baka (or at least she used to). After I told her that, she said to me, "Don't call him that! His name's Grandpa, not Baka! Grandpa. Say that, Grand-pa."